Mission Statement

Raising awareness and educating the public through high fashion made from recyclable materials.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The aloes are blooming in my garden!

I am having so much fun with all of the metaphors related to heat.  I couldn't resist having my picture taken today in front of these impressive "torches" blooming in my garden.  I love the patterns on my friend Karin's scarf and how beautifully they go with my new hat.  Speaking of my hat, on Monday, I walked down to Safeway to get a salad and met a young woman who was making a video for a contest at the Academy Awards.  She invited me for an interview, asking me to pretend that I had won the Academy Awards for "Best Hat".  When the news reporter asked me to help her with her Project, I asked her if she would like to have a Singer.  I sang a few bars, filling Jackson Street near the Embarcadero, and I could be heard in the Safeway Store!  I won "Best Song", and sang for the camera!  Who knows, maybe the video will win the contest and I'll have my picture broadcast on TV.  You never know...  in LIFE, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!

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