Last night, we were a sensation at the Red Vic Kick-Off party, for next Sunday's upcoming
FREE Earth Day Festival, April 22, 10 am to 5 pm, in San Francisco!
The Creator of the Youth Events at the Earth Day Festival, Sandra Acevedo, who invited us to the Event, asked us to stand outside and usher in the people! Passers-by commented on how much they enjoyed seeing Jelka in a dress made out of Target bags; Katharina all decked out in Hefty trash bags; Nadja doing her "OLE!" in flaming hot red bubblewrap and Elise walking in her classic Whole Foods Market vinyl banner suit on 6" stilettos!

project GREEN RUNWAY in front of Decades of Fashion in the Haight in San Francisco, 2012 |
The neighboring shop owner, of Decades of Fashion, where you can pick up anything to do with fashion from 1880 to 1980, took some lovely pix of us, standing on the steps, which will be posted on their website!
After our "photo shoot" (thanks to Georg), outside the Red Vic, we were invited in with passers-by in tow to kick off the party with a little trashion fashion "show and tell" of our collection!
During the Meet and Greet, we enjoyed talking to people about what we are up to with Youth Leadership through Creative Self Expression, and learned some cool things about Red Vic. Laurie Taylor, who manages things in the 18 room B&B, invited us to participate in her Earth mural project right here in Marin and have our pictures taken wearing our collection in front of the finished project!
All of these opportunities has Elise hoppin' to arrange more trashion photo shoots in San Francisco, as well as in Marin!
Next weekend, we will be busier than ever. On April 21, 5 pm to 9 pm, Lorena and Elise will be on the runway at the Sonoma Trashion Fashion, in Andrews Hall at the Sonoma County Community Center (flyer forthcoming). Please come and support us, at the Reception and Party, wearing our project GREEN RUNWAY collection! Please call Elise and Christin, if you would like to wear something from the project GREEN RUNWAY collection in the upcoming Event.
Save the date! We have secured our venue for our upcoming Trashion Show in Marin! We will be at the Marin Sanitary Service, June 16, 4 to 6 pm, wearing our project GREEN RUNWAY collection, along with your creations.
We will have on-going classes at Rainbow Fabrics, where you can create your own
Trashion Fashion for our upcoming show.